¿¿¿La máquina de vapor de las RRPP online???

Ha llegado la hora de poder medir presencia online, ¡Ave!

Hace unos días, en la web Interactiva Digital se publicó esta noticia sobre la medición de las opiniones sobre las marcas en la red. ¿Puede ser el primer paso hacia la medición real y continua en los entornos en línea?

Si es así, ¡estamos de enhorabuena!

Quedarán atrás: los clippings a peso, los excels subjetivos, los listados de links interminables, los "hemos mejorado nuestra posición en la red" basados en PageRank, los "deberíamos quizá hacer un blog", los "tenemos poca presencia online"...

En resumen, las mediciones se podrán hacer bajo un prisma de investigación de resultados objetivo (o sustancialmente menos subjetivo que el actual paradigma) que permita obtener una fotografía real de la situación de nuestra marca en la red.

En fin, "no vendas la piel del oso antes de cazarlo" pero y lo poco que cuesta soñar, no cuesta nada.

Rubén Jéricó
Comunicación Estratégica


Anónimo ha dicho que…
Hi! good mornin,

what better day to take refuge in your blog than today,Well, sorry for not having written for so long.
I read your reply to my comments on ``si Heraclito...´´.I did´nt get back because I promised to myself that i wont , i was kinda going crazy writting/replying to you day and night working or sleepin, all in my mind , and thought I had to take a break.But as you see my promise did not last long enough,
and you too took your own sweet time to update the Blog, uptill september end I had not seen these new articles here.
I have many questions but I´ll put them at the end of this mail..
I agree with you thats its all good news that the voice of the people will count more, its reasonable ,all that you have to say could have an impact on how the giants of the industry react .I am going to make myself a blog too, may be you can guide me ,for I am so clumsy with techical stuff.
What I could not undersatand was the relation of the heading `` ¿¿La maquina de vapor de las RRPP online??´´ with the content.
anyways its good topic to write about .

How do you choose what to write about every month , you plan it or you write whatever catches your attention and interest?Just Curious to know.

Take care.Till next time!
Rubén Jericó ha dicho que…
Appreciated reader,

I'm going to answer your questions as well I could.

Let's go one by one:

The topic The Vapour Machine it's a metaphore based on how this invection became a revolution inside first step industries decades ago. Let me explain, I thought this could be one of the online PR revolution. Mainly, because time ago was not posible to measure, cheaply, PR results.

About updating the blog, yes I tried to mainteance my monthly promise.

About the topic, I try to choose themes related to management, PR, communication & innovation. I use to prepare an article of a different field every month. When I catch an interesting idea or concept, I prepare a first list of... and then I invest time every week.

About preparing you own Blog. It is a nice thing but it a tool and always depend on your own strategy. I mean, why are you developing it? wich people is the target? are you going to take the compromise to update it regularly? But, at the end, it is an interesting way to open your ideas to the world.

I hope I explained myself as well and clearly as it is necessary.

Many thanks,
Rubén Jericó

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