Sutton’s Tricks for taking charge on leadership
Es posible mejorar nuestro poder como líderes? Podemos utilizar algunos pequeños pequeños métodos para mejorar nuestra imagen de liderazgo? Qué pasa con nuestra aura profesional?
Is it possible to tune up our leaderchip power? Could we use some tricks to improve our leader image? What about our professional aura?
Bob Sutton, profesor universitario de management de la Stanford University, dice que es una mera ilusión que el jefe mantiene realmente el contro y sostiene siete pequeños métodos para mejorar esta percepción:
Stanford University management professor Bob Sutton says it’s an illusion that the boss is truly in control, and suggests seven “tricks” for enhancing that perception:
2. Interrupt occasionally—and don’t let others interrupt you too much. You can augment your power by winning “interruption wars” at key junctures in meetings.
3. Cross your arms when you talk. When people make this gesture, they persist longer and generate more solutions while working on difficult tasks. By crossing your arms, you send yourself a message to crank up the grit and confidence—but crossing them too often and intensely can make you look inaccessible and unfriendly.
4. Use positive self-talk. People who make encouraging statements to themselves enjoy higher self-esteem and performance. The most effective such talk focuses on encouraging yourself (“you’ve done this before”) and applying specific strategies (“lean hard, now”).
5. Try a flash of anger occasionally. The strategic use of outbursts, snarling looks, and hand gestures such as pointing and jabbing generates an aura of competence in small doses with proper precautions. But spewing out constant venom undermines your authority and earns you a well-deserved reputation as a jerk.
6. If you aren’t sure whether to sit or to stand, stand. This point is especially crucial for a new boss. Standing up signals that you are in charge and encourages others to accept your authority. Whether you sit or stand, place yourself at the head of the table.
7. Surrender some power or status, but make sure everyone knows that you did so freely. One of the most effective ways to show that you are both powerful and benevolent is to take a status symbol for yourself and give it to others. A CEO I work with had a huge corner office, but when he became aware of a space crunch, he moved to a much smaller space so that four employees could share the big one.
Más allá de un puro anecdotario y de la parte más visible de un proceso de “puesta a punto y pulido”, es vital para los objetivos ser consciente del camino a recorrer y, sobretodo, del destino.
Sin duda, los liderazgos se pueden entrenar para potenciar los puntos fuertes y minimizar las debilidades.
Creo que es un error pretender modelar los liderazgos, dado que la materia prima siempre tiene cierto punto de rigidez que puede desdibujar el resultado hasta el punto de plastificar algo natural.
Este proceso de aceptación de las limitaciones y sistematización es algo realizable, pero es necesaria una base en la cual cimentarlo. Es vital establecer un proceso de introspección que nos revele el punto de partida y un proceso de invetigación sociológica que nos revele los posibles y realizables destinos.
Llegado a este punto, la validez profesional o de la gestión debe avalar o caeremos en el engaño autogenerado o creado por otros y en el peligro de ser tildados de cantamañanas. Sin olvidar que la profesionalidad siempre otorga confianza, por lo menos la suficiente para atisbar los límites entre lo positivo y lo negativo para nuestros clientes/jefes.
Como muestra, aunque admito que es un recurso fácil, os dejo este vídeo sobre el liderazgo innato de Pep Guardiola.
Is it possible to tune up our leaderchip power? Could we use some tricks to improve our leader image? What about our professional aura?
Bob Sutton, profesor universitario de management de la Stanford University, dice que es una mera ilusión que el jefe mantiene realmente el contro y sostiene siete pequeños métodos para mejorar esta percepción:
Stanford University management professor Bob Sutton says it’s an illusion that the boss is truly in control, and suggests seven “tricks” for enhancing that perception:
1. Talk more than others, but not the whole time. At least in Western countries, people who talk first and most are seen as leaders—the blabbermouth theory. But if you talk the whole time, people will find you a bully, a bore, or both.
2. Interrupt occasionally—and don’t let others interrupt you too much. You can augment your power by winning “interruption wars” at key junctures in meetings.
3. Cross your arms when you talk. When people make this gesture, they persist longer and generate more solutions while working on difficult tasks. By crossing your arms, you send yourself a message to crank up the grit and confidence—but crossing them too often and intensely can make you look inaccessible and unfriendly.
4. Use positive self-talk. People who make encouraging statements to themselves enjoy higher self-esteem and performance. The most effective such talk focuses on encouraging yourself (“you’ve done this before”) and applying specific strategies (“lean hard, now”).
5. Try a flash of anger occasionally. The strategic use of outbursts, snarling looks, and hand gestures such as pointing and jabbing generates an aura of competence in small doses with proper precautions. But spewing out constant venom undermines your authority and earns you a well-deserved reputation as a jerk.
6. If you aren’t sure whether to sit or to stand, stand. This point is especially crucial for a new boss. Standing up signals that you are in charge and encourages others to accept your authority. Whether you sit or stand, place yourself at the head of the table.
7. Surrender some power or status, but make sure everyone knows that you did so freely. One of the most effective ways to show that you are both powerful and benevolent is to take a status symbol for yourself and give it to others. A CEO I work with had a huge corner office, but when he became aware of a space crunch, he moved to a much smaller space so that four employees could share the big one.
Más allá de un puro anecdotario y de la parte más visible de un proceso de “puesta a punto y pulido”, es vital para los objetivos ser consciente del camino a recorrer y, sobretodo, del destino.
Sin duda, los liderazgos se pueden entrenar para potenciar los puntos fuertes y minimizar las debilidades.
Creo que es un error pretender modelar los liderazgos, dado que la materia prima siempre tiene cierto punto de rigidez que puede desdibujar el resultado hasta el punto de plastificar algo natural.
Este proceso de aceptación de las limitaciones y sistematización es algo realizable, pero es necesaria una base en la cual cimentarlo. Es vital establecer un proceso de introspección que nos revele el punto de partida y un proceso de invetigación sociológica que nos revele los posibles y realizables destinos.
Llegado a este punto, la validez profesional o de la gestión debe avalar o caeremos en el engaño autogenerado o creado por otros y en el peligro de ser tildados de cantamañanas. Sin olvidar que la profesionalidad siempre otorga confianza, por lo menos la suficiente para atisbar los límites entre lo positivo y lo negativo para nuestros clientes/jefes.
Como muestra, aunque admito que es un recurso fácil, os dejo este vídeo sobre el liderazgo innato de Pep Guardiola.