Open Government: Ejemplos británicos online

Obviamente, la democracia inglesa tiene una amplia historia y una consolidada tradición. Sin embargo, paradójicamente parace que todos tenemos parte de la misma insatisfacción por la lejanía de las figuras políticas y, como consecuencia, su escasa interactuación con la ciudadanía.

En Reino Unido, mysociety hace tiempo que lanza aplicaciones online para solventar estas problemáticas. Iniciativas de personas anónimas que quieren mejorar el rumbo de la sociedad. Creo que es necesario que sea la propia ciudadanía que ejerza de lobby y no que sean las grandes fortunas o corporaciones.

Quizá, why not? deberíamos aprender un poco de estas propuestas:

Allows passengers to report issues on any public transport in the UK – train, bus, underground, tram, or coach. We’ve found, with previous projects, that putting issues in the public domain can sometimes get them solved. Not all of them, admittedly – but it’s a start.

Ever wondered what your MP does in parliament – or even who your MP is? Find out how they vote on key issues; read or watch their speeches; subscribe to email alerts when they speak.

Pothole in the road? Flytipping or broken street lights? Just type the postcode and FixMyStreet will send your report to the correct council representative. And it’s all archived online.

Under the Freedom of Information Act, public bodies are obliged to answer your questions. We make it easy to get them to the right person – and we keep a public archive of their responses.

Enter your postcode to find out who represents you at local council, in parliament, and in Europe. Then use our simple form to write to them. Not sure which representative to contact? We included a handy guide.

Send a request to your MP that he or she sends you email updates – and when they arrive, you can reply directly on the website, where the conversation will be archived for all to see.

Mapumental is a travel-time mapping tool, built in collaboration with 4IP, which can help people work out where to live, where to find a job, or where to go on holiday.

A simple but effective website that directs people to their local council’s online petition site. We’ve found they’re sometimes well-hidden, and often under-populated, but we hope that this small site will change that, at least a bit.


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